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Sources of Krypton uses and production & properties or extract

Krypton is a chemical element with the symbol Kr and atomic number 36. It is a noble gas that is found in trace amounts in the Earth's atmosphere.

Sources of Krypton:

  1. Air: Krypton is extracted from the Earth's atmosphere, where it is present in trace amounts.

  2. Natural Gas: Krypton is also found in natural gas deposits and can be extracted as a byproduct of natural gas processing.

Uses of Krypton:

  1. Lighting: Krypton is used in gas discharge lamps, such as fluorescent lamps, to produce bright, white light.

  2. Lasers: Krypton is used in laser systems as a gain medium, where it amplifies light to produce a laser beam.

  3. Microscopy: Krypton is used in electron microscopy as a source of electrons, which are used to produce images of very small objects.

  4. Neutron Detection: Krypton is used in neutron detection systems to detect the presence of neutrons.

  5. Spectroscopy: Krypton is used in spectroscopy as a reference gas, where its spectral lines are used to calibrate spectroscopic instruments.

Production of Krypton:

  1. Air Separation: Krypton is produced by air separation, where air is separated into its individual components. Krypton is then separated from the other gases using a process called liquefaction.

  2. Natural Gas Processing: Krypton can also be produced as a byproduct of natural gas processing, where it is separated from the other gases in the natural gas stream.

Properties of Krypton:

  1. Physical Properties: Krypton is a colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas that is chemically unreactive.

  2. Chemical Properties: Krypton is a noble gas, which means that it is chemically unreactive and does not form compounds with other elements.

  3. Extract: Elemental krypton is extracted from the Earth's atmosphere or from natural gas deposits using methods such as air separation and natural gas processing. Krypton compounds do not exist, as krypton is a noble gas and does not form compounds with other elements.

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