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Sources of Cadmium uses and production & properties or extract

Cadmium is a metal that has a number of industrial uses due to its unique properties.

Sources of Cadmium: Cadmium is typically found as a byproduct of zinc, lead, and copper mining. The largest producers of cadmium are China, South Korea, and Japan.

Uses of Cadmium:

  1. Batteries: Cadmium is used in rechargeable nickel-cadmium (NiCad) batteries due to its ability to store a large amount of energy.

  2. Pigments: Cadmium is used in pigments for plastic, ceramics, and glass due to its bright yellow and red colors.

  3. Plating: Cadmium is used as a protective coating on steel, iron, and other metals to prevent corrosion.

  4. Alloys: Cadmium is used in alloys to improve their strength and workability.

Properties of Cadmium:

  1. Density: Cadmium has a density of 8.65 g/cm3.

  2. Melting point: The melting point of cadmium is 321.07°C.

  3. Chemical stability: Cadmium is highly resistant to corrosion and is commonly used as a protective coating for other metals.

  4. Conductivity: Cadmium is a good conductor of electricity and heat.

Extraction of Cadmium: Cadmium is extracted from its ores through a process called pyrometallurgical refining. In this process, the ore is roasted at high temperatures to convert the cadmium into a gas. The gas is then cooled and condensed into a solid form, which is then purified through a series of chemical processes.

It is important to note that cadmium is toxic and exposure to it can cause serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to handle and process cadmium with caution.

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